Boko Haram at a glance

Founded in 2002, initially focused on opposing Western-style education - Boko Haram means "Western education is forbidden" in the Hausa language Launched military operations in 2009 Thousands killed, mostly in north-eastern Nigeria, hundreds abducted, including at least 200 schoolgirls Joined so-called Islamic State, now calls itself IS's "West African province" Seized large area in north-east, where it declared caliphate Regional force has retaken most territory this year
Who are Boko Haram? The global concern for the missing Chibok schoolgirls still gives Boko Haram a bargaining chip. The news of their abduction grabbed the world's attention in a way the deaths of thousands before were unable to. The resulting scrutiny, as well as criticism from human rights organisations, means that the Nigerian military has taken a more cautious approach to the conflict than it did in the early days, when there were frequent allegations that the military was involved in widespread human rights abuses. The new chain of command means that it is now more difficult than ever before for the insurgent group to agree to dialogue with the government As the conflict escalated, Nigeria needed cooperation from its neighbours to secure the borders but this would inevitably come at a cost for Cameroon, Chad and Niger. Each of these allies has now been attacked, as the IS militants look to extend their reach in West Africa. Nigeria remains a priority for the Islamist fighters but what was initially a local conflict is changing. If indeed Boko Haram is defeated in Nigeria, the fact that the group is now part of a wider international network means the campaign of violence could escalate in the neighbouring countries, particularly Chad and Niger, which have broader expanses of land, far more porous borders and are closer to Libya, where IS began its expansion in Africa. Image copyright Getty Images Image caption Boko Haram has staged several attacks in Cameroon since it intervened in Nigeria For now, the coalition of the African Union-backed Multinational Joint Task Force should be reminded that a wane in the intensity of Boko Haram attacks says little about the strength of the group as a whole. While aiming to end the conflict, President Buhari should learn from the mistakes of his predecessor, Goodluck Jonathan, who gave a series of failed deadlines to defeat the militants. Mr Buhari's government, like many Nigerians, will be hoping for a speedy resolution but by now they know better than to be naive.


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