Conspiracy Theory; Is It? July 12, 2012 at 10:25pm

I think most people would agree that Nigeria as a whole is predominantly rural, as it is illiterate. It is a country fractured by ethnicity, religion, politics etc. A country where you find that ‘corruption’ is the only active industry. So when one considers all these factors, it is only natural to suppose the existence of ‘religious fanatics’, ‘ethnic chauvinists’, and all sorts of ‘ignorant people’. This is a very typical phenomenon, especially in developing societies. Lest you start questioning the theme, and point of this article, I shall put it to you; is ‘Boko Haram’ (BH) a regional, religious, or societal challenge? Or could it yet be another conspiracy theory? So far the Nigerian government is saddled with the information that; somewhere in the wilderness of Maiduguri, a group of aggrieved religious fanatics under the guise of Islam have stem, and become wholly responsible for the insurgency we face today. As for me, I humbly refuse to enrol in that school of thought. As far as the issue of (BH) is concerned, or whom I covertly like to refer to as ‘the sect that must not be mentioned’; there are so many ‘schools of thought’, otherwise ‘conspiracy theories’. Perhaps the most acknowledged version is the ‘Muhammadu Buhari version’. According to the former head of state, there are three types of (BH). Firstly he said, “The federal government is the biggest (BH)”. I personally couldn’t accuse the Nigerian government of primary involvement; neither can I absolve it of complicity. I believe the issue of (BH) is a consequence of perennial socio-economic vices. When a country is burdened with political eunuchs, who have promoted corruption from nothing, to becoming the biggest industry, then the challenges are bound to stretch beyond the economy, and very often result to war. Secondly he said; “There is the original group of which the late Mohammed Yusuf found”. If I remember correctly, when the initial group was formed, it was just like any other pressure group. They were a group with a specific purpose of derecognising ‘western education’. But ever since security operatives unjustly killed their leader, the motive of the group changed from protest to pervasion. So of course yes, we all acknowledge the presence of this syndicate. Some have acknowledged with their lives, while we the living acknowledge through fear. Lastly he said; there are criminals who take advantage of the insecurity to commit all sorts of crime. Well I am sure a lot of criminals have learnt the trade of bomb making, as a way of making ends meet. After all what do you expect from a society that yearns for bad opportunities. Criminals get away with anything now, because every dastardly act is attributed to (BH). People have forgotten that this country has been sheltering criminals, long before it started sheltering (BH). So if you approve of the ‘Buhari version’, then you will essentially hold the government responsible. So which of the conspiracies do I believe in? Do I even believe in conspiracy theories, and if yes; do I have one? Well if it is of any interest to you, then I do believe in conspiracies, because most of them are the ‘truth’ played down. We all know how the ‘Westerners’ have been using ‘Al-Qaeda’ to wage a war in the Middle East. We all know how they scheme, plot, sow anarchy, and eventually intervene to claim their kill. So could Nigeria be a victim of another ’Western’ ploy? About two years ago, the American government issued a statement, predicting Nigeria’s disintegration by the year 2015. The question I keep asking is; what evidence did they have to reach such a doom-spelling conclusion? If it had Intel about a possible threat to our security, why did it not inform us? Did they know about a terrorist group then, or were they grooming one? Also about a year ago, a ship carrying sophisticated arms was intercepted by the Nigerian customs in Lagos. According to Israeli intelligence, the vessel departed from Iran, and was bound for the ‘Gaza Strip’. When Nigerian officials asked Israeli security to divulge sufficient information as to how; a vessel meant for the ‘Gaza Strip’ (Middle East) ended up in Nigeria, they refused citing security concerns. Was divulging the information in the first place not a more serious security concern, than giving Nigeria useful information of a possible diversion? Or were the missiles discovered not a big threat to us? Well, all we can do is ask questions, because the answers are equally complicated. Unmasking those who are really responsible is not the biggest problem up until now. I agree this is a new challenge that will require painstaking measures, but which of the lesser challenges have we ever tackled? Is it electricity, our refineries, our educational system etc. The fact is our leaders are incompetent, media has become increasingly partisan/selective, the opposition are opportunistic/desperate, security agencies are clueless, while the citizens remain helpless, and it goes on. I am certain that a time will come when the ‘Westerners’ will say, (BH) is a Nigerian problem, with global implications. And that is when they will make their move. But at this point in time, what this article will be is just another unguarded commentary, and to some another ‘conspiracy theory’; but, is it?


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